lang xin tianji has been engaged in human resources management system for 28 years and is professional dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-03-18
experience in system software development and implementation, and is a professional domestic human resources management system supplier. cape *,personnel system panwei south china official website 2025-03-15
professional and easy-to-use human resources software- zhiyuntong cloud office series-zhiyuntong 2025-03-11
internet information software-archive management system- 2025-03-11
as a leading brand in the field of enterprise human resource management information application, qizheng human resource management software, human capital management software, +systems and other systems are aimed at large and medium-sized enterprises, group enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. hundreds of companies, including those in the fortune 500 in the world, have become loyal customers of qizheng software. qizheng software in business outsourcing services and dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-03-11
provided by the company it is a large and medium-sized enterprise that widely adopts a human resource management system, which fully covers human resource management needs, including organizational structure, personnel management, attendance management, salary management, performance management, archive management, recruitment management, training management, talent development, etc. red sea cloud is the top in china 2025-03-10
management system, retail system, cashier system, accounting system, accounting software, sales system, panwei south china official website 2025-03-10
benevolence and famous panwei south china official website 2025-03-03
human affairs and intelligence- panwei south china official website 2025-03-02 is a human resources technology company under china electronics technology, focusing on human resources technology development and digital solutions. we provide enterprise human resources management systems, flexible employment platforms and human resources business management systems to help enterprises achieve digital transformation of human resources, improve management efficiency, and reduce operating costs. explore and open a new era of intelligent human resource management! digital management solutions. the product has comprehensive functions, good operating experience and high cost performance. it has served thousands of large and medium-sized enterprises and has a good reputation for service. 2025-02-28
qizheng software dongguan kaipu software technology co., ltd. official 2025-02-23
dongguan kaipu technology company has been with 20 years dongguan kaipu software technology co., ltd. official 2025-02-20
provides digitalization of the entire process from personnel organization, attendance hours, salary and benefits, electronic contracts, access control dormitories, process approval, employee self-service, and mobile applications (zhiyuntong )manage software custom development (li tang )human resources management system-1000 oem solution. dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-02-20
hangzhou puke liyue information technology co., ltd. panwei south china official website 2025-02-20
“office system, corporate office software, collaborative office system, shenzhen D system, dedicated to knowledge management, process management, information portal, customization and application solutions smart logistics 2025-02-17
customer relationship management system panwei south china official website 2025-02-17
in the past 21 years, the industry has helped enterprises manage human resources in all aspects and is committed to providing customers with affordable, cost-effective, flexible and easy to use, and professional customized human resources solutions. three points of software and seven points of delivery, we pay more attention to the delivery link that customers are prone to ignore. it is really good if the customer uses it well. the mission of evergreen trees is to make management more efficient and help the company to survive. D provided by xiaoqin technology /kingdee software, kingdee financial software, kingdee purchase and sales software-nanning yudie information technology co., ltd. ISO4001 system, attendance management system, file management system, ISO9001 youcai group - one-stop digital human resources service platform zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-02-14
branches, actual service implementation 300 ******attendance system ***经济实惠的,欢迎广大朋友前来洽谈、合作。 zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-02-07
上海旭投建筑装饰设计工程有限公司是一家集材料研发生产,工程设计.施工.于一体的现代化科技公司。公司现在与上海彩岩化工科技强强联手致力于打造国内顶尖的外墙装饰工程的材料,设计,施工团队。公司现在生产有:多彩水包水漆,多彩水包沙漆,高品质真石漆,岩片漆,质感涂料,真石漆底漆,面漆,弹涂漆,环氧地坪漆、防水涂料等各种室内外装饰材料。承接全国各式内外墙工程施工,专业的技术成就非凡的品质。 zhiyuntong cloud office series-zhiyuntong 2025-02-04
with the experience accumulated in system application and implementation services, shaanxi hongjing ruian has become a leader in the informatization of human resources and talent management. as a professional human resource management and information construction service provider in shaanxi, we provide customers with not only products, but more importantly, a human resource management solution and advanced management concept dongguan kaipu software technology co., ltd. official 2025-02-04
东莞市星阳涂料有限公司主营:研发、生产和销售外墙装饰涂料,仿花岗岩涂料,纳米隔热涂料,砂胶漆,真石岩片漆,质感漆,拉毛漆等,为顾客提供全方位的技术服务,来样打样、现场打样、商务洽谈、技术培训,深层次的与客户建立商务技术合作关系。电话:0769-89902609,18576741098 dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-02-03
youcai group was founded in tianhe, guangzhou in 2010. the group is based in the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area and its business spreads across the country. there are 15 nationwide so far dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-01-31
广西洛克佳德新材料有限公司专注:真石漆,水包水,水包砂,仿石漆,麻布腻子膏,艺术涂料,质感涂料,岩片漆,防水涂料,内外乳胶漆,隔热涂料,外墙翻新涂料,水性地坪漆,氟碳漆仿石漆、艺术涂料研发生产,销售,位于过美的地产、奥园地产、维也纳酒店、七天酒店等。多年来研发出非常符合国情的产品,具备防水、防霉,防裂、隔热等特点,专为施工单位解决墙面渗水、开裂、发霉、褪色的各种难题,为涂料经销商提供质优产品,同时也为涂料经销商转型涂料施工服务商提供一站式解决方案。 dongguan zhiyue software technology co., ltd. focuses on 2025-01-29
human resources management software, panwei south china official website 2025-01-29
guangzhou tongxin technology has been focusing on 24 years panwei south china official website 2025-01-27
network applications |广东省中山市振豪新型建材有限公司|management system software |广东涂之彩真石漆|shenzhen south china professional r&d collaboration ||联系人:祝浩华先生电话13924979691|system and other enterprise management software |wangu technology digital management solutions. the product has comprehensive functions, good operating experience and high cost performance. it has served thousands of large and medium-sized enterprises and has a good reputation for service. 2025-01-24
真石漆喷涂机,腻子喷涂机,真石漆喷枪,水包水喷枪,岩片漆喷涂机,水包水多彩仿大理石漆喷枪等是赫诚机械的主营产品,我们拥专业的技术和生产团队,专注于喷涂机的设计研发,并荣获多项国家专利!产品广泛应用于真石漆,腻子,质感涂料,水泥浆,水包水,乳胶漆,防火防水涂料的喷涂施工 software vendor is the new generation 2025-01-21
山东外墙天然真石漆厂家倡导绿色环保型外墙水漆涂料,微晶彩,水性无机涂料,环氧地坪漆,水性建筑涂料(真石漆,水包砂,水包水等)one of the system suppliers is committed to providing high-quality human resource management software, talent management system, recruitment management system, performance appraisal system, salary management system, etc. to various enterprises. we have accumulated successful practical experience of more than 40,000 customers, and the consultation hotline is: 62966922. (400-775-0077)仿石质感涂料水漆厂家销售生产代加工内外墙真石漆,水包砂,水包水,仿石漆等水性涂料,目前以真石漆为代表的外墙水漆在很多建筑得到了大规模的应用,在新建高档小区别墅,办公大楼等深受青睐. software vendor is the new generation 2025-01-21